Carbon dioxide equipment > Tank for СО2 transportation (10 м3)

Tank for СО2 transportation (10 м3)

Tank is designed for transportation of liquid low-temperature carbon dioxide from the manufacturer or storehouse to the place of consumption. Structure represents a tank semi-trailer on chassis STEELBEAR (OJSC “VOMZ”).

The tank provides:

  • Liquid carbon dioxide filling and discharge
  • Storage and transportation of liquid carbon dioxide without product losses within 5 days
  • Visual control of weight and operating pressure of the product during filling, storage, and discharge.

Internal vessel of reservoir is made of low alloy carbon steel operating at the temperature from -70 to +425 °C under pressure.

Insulation of reservoir is made of high-quality two-component rigid polyurethane foam with excellent heat-insulating and hygroscopic properties. It does not pass moisture to the vessel surface and protects reservoir against corrosion, and provides long-term storage of carbon dioxide with daily average pressure buildup of not more than 0.8 bar at daily average ambient temperature of + 30 °С.

External protective shell of reservoir is made of sheet stainless steel (AISI 430).

Magnetic displacer level transmitter is used for measurement of level, volume, and weight of liquid carbon dioxide in reservoir (standard execution). Other systems of СО2 measurement – indicating or digital differential manometer-level gauge – are provided as well.

Safety system of reservoirs includes two safety valves and two safety diaphragms mounted on switching valves allowing their checking and repair without reservoir shutdown and emptying. Carbon dioxide filling and discharge are performed using ball cocks. All fittings are made of special low alloy carbon steel. At the Customer’s option, the tank semi-trailer may be equipped with:

  • pump for liquid carbon dioxide overflow with capacity of 10 t/h.
  • cooler. Completed with it, tank semi-trailer forms a system for long-term storage of gas.

Service life of reservoir is 15 years. It is possible to manufacture customized reservoirs with service life of 20 and 25 years

Срок изготовленияTime of manufacture: 3 months Срок гарантииWarranty period: 12 months

» Technical characteristic (PDF)
» Additional equipment and spare parts (PDF)


Tank for СО2 transportation (10 м3)

Dimensional drawing

Dimensional drawing

Technical characteristic

Technical characteristic c183