Carbon dioxide equipment > Pump СО2 overflow (15 t/h)

Pump СО2 overflow (15 t/h)

Pump СО2 overflow (15 t/h) is designed for liquid carbon dioxide overflow from one tank into another. The pump is to be installed at the site near reservoir or on transport tank.

Main units – centrifugal pump and electric motor – are mounted at the base plate. All metal parts of the pump contacting with liquid carbon dioxide being pumped are made of stainless steel (AISI 304 or analogue). Pump structure does not require application of lubricating fluids and excludes foreign substances entrance into carbon dioxide. The pump may be installed into tambour of transport tank. Station mounting at the transport tank is to be performed as in the territory of our enterprise.

Срок изготовленияTime of manufacture: from the storehouse, or 30 days Срок гарантииWarranty period: 12 months

» Technical characteristic (PDF)
» Additional equipment and spare parts (PDF)


Pump СО2 overflow (15 t/h)


Dimensional drawing

Dimensional drawing

Technical characteristic

Technical characteristic